Retiring EasyRSS
In 2013, as Google discontinued Google Reader, EasyRSS stopped working. It was a rather unfortunate event. I was one of the users who heavily impacted by its discontinuation together with millions of users around the world. At the time I had the opportunity to switch EasyRSS to other RSS aggregators, such as Feedly, however, I didn’t get time to do it. Instead, I started using other news apps, such as Flipboard.
Rebuilding pursuer.me using Jekyll
My personal website, pursuer.me, was built using Padrino and hosted under Linode. I had been thinking about rebuilding it for a while, as it was fairly aged in terms of its design and technology. I want to refresh it with a modern web framework and host it using more advanced technologies, preferably container + Kubernetes. Kubernetes might be an overkill for personal websites like this, but it’d be a great practice if I could try it out.
EasyRSS 开源了
一年多前开始开发 EasyRSS,从最初的对 Android 一窍不通到逐渐了解。一年以来,EasyRSS 积累了不少用户,这对我是极大的鼓励。
下一个 Google?
推荐 CloudFlare
更新 EasyRSS 官方网站
修复 imfido.com
Move to pursuer.me
Is Google still in the leading position?
These days, I read some articles about Google’s technology, and used some of its products (especially, some of its programming frameworks, like GWT, Android) as well. Then I began to wonder, is Google still in the leading position of internet industry?
Chrome OS
TopCoder SRM 368 DIV 2
时间:2007-10-02 成绩:1417.24 (240.17/300 + 464.20/500 + 516.46/900) 排名:10/565 第一名成绩:1776.68
TopCoder High School SRM 37 DIV 1
时间:2007-08-07 成绩:1417.24(233.89/250 + 440.09/500 + 743.26/1000) 排名:3/75 第一名成绩:1461.03
代码: 250